The Prime
Minister vociferously supported Andrew Mitchell at PMQs yesterday, as the Tory
Chief-Whip faced another scathing examination from Labour MPs. The ferocity of the
attack played into Mitchell’s hands; as it compelled Tory MPs who had hitherto
been ambivalent towards his salvation, to rally together in rousing support of
the Sutton-Coldfield MP (despite the 1922 Committee later providing a far more
negative assessment of his actions in private). However, no matter how vocal
the support he receives from his party in the main chamber - which claims he wasn’t
behaving in an elitist and pompous manner in the much famed ‘Plebgate’
incident – his voting record does little to dispel the notion that Mitchell is
an antiquated brand of Tory – the type that is more than capable of the odd alarmingly-flippant
indiscretion, such as referring to serving Police-Officers as ‘plebs’.
Since 2001, Mitchell
has only ever voted very-strongly on issues that represent the uber-traditional
Tory agenda. Despite voting across a myriad of topics, it is no surprise that
the Rubgy-educated former Royal Tank Regiment Officer, has only ever voted
very-strongly on concerns of the strictly upper-class, such as: voting very
strongly against the ban on fox hunting, against a more proportional voting
system for MPs and against removing hereditary-peers for the House
of Lords. If Mitchell claims not to be elitist, his voting record suggests
otherwise, with his propensity to voice his intentions - very-strongly -
manifesting itself only on expressly class-based subjects. On each of the three
instances mentioned above, the principal motivation for voting has been the preservation
of entitlement for the traditional land-owning classes. This is not to say that
he hasn’t voted on other issues – some of which will support a liberal agenda –
but never as strongly as he does on matters pertaining to the maintenance of
the traditional class-system.
To his credit,
Mitchell has worked extensively with youths in his constituency of Sutton
Coldfield, and has a wealth of experience working in developing countries.
Mitchell has worked in Africa for a number of years, beginning with his work at
investment bank Lazard. His experiences in the continent lead him to become Minister
for International Development, first in the shadow cabinet and subsequently in
the Coalition government.
However, there is no doubt some speculation on whether Mitchell’s work in Africa is honourably intentioned – like
much of the work that British companies do there – or if it is more akin to wanton
post-colonial plundering, the like of which Mark Thatcher can claim to be a
veteran. Rather worryingly, he has been a strong
supporter of the CDC (formerly the Commonwealth Development Cooperation),
who attracted widespread criticism following
Private Eye’s disinterment of their shady dealings back in 2010. Mitchell
has advocated widening CDC’s role, encouraging it to engage in higher-risk
investments, even though accusations of CDC investing in over-valued companies
in Nigeria are yet to be sufficiently explained away. However, aside from his
treatment of CDC, it can be said that he has been a sensible (though not
progressive) Minister for International Development; supporting the rights of
oppressed people in Burma and taking a cautious yet pragmatic approach to the
Democratic Republic of Congo.
But to critics
on the Labour benches and on the Coalition benches alike, the real Andrew
Mitchell is the man who said the words contained in the Police report published
by the Daily Telegraph. Large parts of his voting record add fuel to this fire,
as does his inability to bring to punish the widely discredited actions of the
gloriously-imperialist CDC, in his role as Minister for International
Development. His work is cut-out if he is convince the rest of the government and
the country as to his egalitarian credentials, and following a sombre
condemnation by members of the Tory 1922 Committee last night, it is unlikely
that the ‘Plebgate’ affair will conveniently disappear. The fire that Andrew
Mitchell saw his PM firmly douse at PMQs yesterday - could just as easily re-ignite
in an instant.
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