With Putin determined to slap his military wang all over the
Crimean peninsula and beyond, a cowering world is forced to hold its breath as
tensions between Russia and the West reach levels rarely seen since the days of
Rocky 4. Despite reassurances that under no circumstances will NATO be seeking
to tackle Putin’s wang, the prospect of all-out war has drifted like a
malevolent fart over hoards of worried fighting-age men. For a generation
brought-up fighting on video games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, the
prospect of a real war is quite simply, shit-inducing. Across the country,
young people have been expressing their concern.
“Well you don’t get to re-spawn,” said Terry Berry, a
worried teenager from Barnet playing Team Deathmatch in his pants, “That’s a
big problem right there. You get just one life! What the fuck? It would be over
in two seconds.”
A secret-report drafted by consultants for the Ministry of
Defence (leaked by those same consultants), has exposed deep fears that the current
generation has totally underestimated what a real conflict would be like, as
the following extract shows:
“Of principal concern is the prospect that if a youngster
from today is put in a close-combat situation with an opposing soldier, it is
very likely that he will decide to lie-down on the floor rather than stand and
shoot, as is the prevalent practice in Call of Duty…”
The fears highlighted in the leaked-report appear to be well
founded, with many youngsters struggling to understand that in the event of a
war, they would be required to put on clothes and leave the house.
“It would be shit if it was like all day, every day,” said
Matthew Blanchard-Fenster, a student from Exeter, “I only like playing for like
an hour or so, gets boring after that, so I just have a wank or something.
Would I be able to do that in a real war?”
The Russian army however, has its own problems. Though less
of its conscripts are as naïve to the prospect of armed conflict as their
Western counterparts, many more are liable to waste their time and risk their
lives filming outrageously dangerous videos for Youtube. As one Russian
military spokesman commented, “With nukes all over the place and some skater-kids
on amphetamines looking for a good time… it could get messy.”
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